The Cost of Influencing

In a world where everyone is an influencer (yes, even you) we’re seeing social media used more and more to share our lives but also to share products, promote restaurants, and post ads from brands we love.

I stumbled upon the influencer world right when Jax was born. It wasn’t anything I was looking for, like you, I was just using Instagram, my blog, and Facebook to share my life and photos of me and my growing family. I can’t remember the first brand that reached out to me but it was like giving that first snowball a push down the hill. I caught momentum and within a year felt more pressured to keep up with content in order to maintain everything that was happening. Now don’t get me wrong, the growth and momentum weren’t huge but growth is growth and as I slowly gained more followers I became consumed with the world of Instagram.

The highlight reels of influencers can be so cleverly and aesthetically crafted to make us feel some type of way. You may feel jealous of all the products and free dinners they receive. Or you may feel competitive thinking that you can edit and write captions better than them. Or you may feel yourself starting to judge them for things they say or how they are acting.


I’ve said it before, I love that social media can cultivate creativity and community, and that it reminds us to capture photos and memories. It gives us all a voice and the space to let it be heard. But there is a cost when it comes to influencing. I’ve talked before about the influence of instagram and it goes hand in hand with the cost that we all pay (yes, even you). And once again God is giving me a hard check on this cost in my own life.

So off hand I can rattle off some costs that I personally pay or have paid when it comes to the gram. Maybe you can relate?

TIME: What’s the longest a photo has ever taken you? I am talking from capture, to edit, to caption, to post? I am embarrassed to even answer this myself but I once took 2.5 hours to just try and capture the right photo.

MONEY: Presets anyone? Or that new outfit to match your aesthetic or that perfectly crafted latte?

PHONE STORAGE: I dare you to scroll through your camera roll and see what’s been living in there. If I am taking a photo with my iphone I will take a minimum of 10. The most I’ve even snapped in one sitting? Once again… embarrassing… 214! Not to mention the additional apps we use to edit our photos and videos!

MY SANITY: Have I gotten frustrated over a photo. 100% Can a poorly captured photo ruin my mood. Absolutely!

MY MARRIAGE: Anyone else ever argue with their insta husband over a not so stellar image? Guilty!

FAMILY MOMENTS: As a mama, I am very aware of this one and have royally messed this up in the past. That’s why we have this rule in our home, ‘record, save, and put away' and we stick to it because Jax knows when we are on our phones and not giving him the attention he needs. But just stop and think about all the moments our kids see us on our phones.

REPUTATION: “Oh we can’t eat yet, she needs a photo!” “Hold on, she’s on her phone.” “Remember don’t record or post anything because she wants to do it first.” Yea… all said about me. Real Talk- - This past summer after our gender reveal for Leo, Fabian had a hard conversation with me. He told me that the whole thing felt like it was a set up for instagram. OUCH! But you know what, he had a point. I had hired someone to capture photos for us, I asked everyone not to post anything until I gave them the ok to post, and as soon as the balloon was popped and the blue confetti flew out off I went to edit, caption, and post. Once again… family moment.

FRIENDSHIPS: Believe it or not but friendships in my life have been tested because of the gram. Whether it’s a competitive moment or judgement that causes our relationship to be tested, it’s happened. And is it worth it?

The list really could continue. What would you list here? What has social media cost you? The question I am finding myself asking is, at what point does the cost outweigh the benefit? Basically, when is enough, enough?

Before this year started over I was praying about how I can use our family blog and my personal instagram more purposely. It may seem like a silly prayer but I pray about everything so why not social media? So here’s my prayer, “God, you have given me a voice and the creativity to capture and write in a way where I can influence and inspire. Please give me the wisdom to use it a way where it doesn’t become my main focus everyday, where it doesn’t take time away from my family, and where it truly is a benefit to me and my family.”


This year as I approach my little space on instagram, yes there will still be that #LaVidaVera aesthetic (y’all we just love blue!) but more than anything I want you to feel like I am opening up the front door to my world and I am your host. I want you to read our blogposts and captions and feel like they serve a purpose. And when I have the pleasure of working with a brand, small shop, or restaurant that you will see the realness behind a review and the genuine excitement at the opportunity to also provide a little extra income for my family. And if at any point I need a moment to re-evaluate and get myself in check I will always remember that, my phone is not going to heaven with me and that God loved me before my instagram was pretty! Happy gramming y’all!