Best of 2019


Once again another year has passed. 2019 was a pretty solid year for us as a family and we thought we would do our year end review a little differently this time around. Take a peek at our 2018 Review to see what we were up to then.

Fabian and I thought we would round up some of our favorite things from this past year and make a Best of 2019 list for y’all. This list is going to include some favorite products, podcasts, quotes, advice, family moments, and all around the best things from our year.

BEST SURPRISE! Of course our surprise pregnancy takes the cake on this one! In April I found out that I was pregnant and we were going to have a little Thanksgiving baby. We then found out it was another boy! Baby Leo was born 5 weeks early on Oct 21 and is the perfect little addition to our family!

MOST LISTENED TO PODCASTS: The Naked Marriage Podcast- this is a podcast that we have been listening to separately but together throughout the year. It started with Fabian sending me episodes when we were working through something in our marriage. This podcast is so great for relationships! Another podcast that I listened to every week is Coffee & Crumbs. It’s a podcast all about motherhood.

MOST USED APPS: I think it goes without saying that Instagram was Bee’s most used app this year. I will say that we’ve both stepped up our devotional game this year and our Bible app was used for that daily.

BEST PARENTING MOMENT: Jax has made a lot of big boy moves this year making us realize that he is truly growing up and the baby stages are gone. We plan to hit potty training hard in 2020 but the first time Jax used the toilet was pretty epic. We won’t ever forget it.

MARRIAGE GROWTH: Our marriage has grown a lot this year and honestly I accredit to learning our enneagram types. (more on that later) But truly we dove deep into what our personalities are really like and it improved how we interact with one another. Also, I believe we are just getting into a sweet spot groove in our marriage where little things done bother us anymore!

INSTAGRAM FAVS: @GParrish is one of my favorites to follow on IG. I’ve met her in real life and she is just a gem. Another end of the year favorite for me is @RJKaur.xo, I stumbled upon her youtube channel during the Fall and love the tips and tricks she gives out!

AMAZON FINDS: Mint Glass Food Storage - Cell Phone Tripod Mount & Remote - Camel Colored Sherpa Pullover - Industrial Sheet Pan

FAVORITE COLLABORATIONS: We’ve had the pleasure of working with several different brands and companies this year but two stand out and are an obvious Vera Family Fav on my instagram. Pink Blush and Kroger! Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum, a grocery store and a clothing brand. We worked a lot promoting and trying out new items that Kroger wanted to share with the world and found some new snacks that way. We also were able to save money for Jax through any collaborations that involved him in the photo. I’ve been a PinkBlush Ambassador for 2 years now and in 2019 they reached out to me to do something I’ve never done before, a video Try On Haul. I was given the task of dressing up my bump in 3 different styles. This collaboration was such a blessing to me and helped build my maternity wardrobe with some gorgeous pieces.

We’re excited to see what a new year has in store for our family! 2019 was so great and it’s only going to get better!