Remain in me, and I will remain in you.

To think that we are over halfway through 2020 has me almost lost for words. This year has been A LOT! And I don’t think I need to tell you why. We are all walking through it, still in the middle of it, and praying to be on the other side of it.


At the beginning of 2020 as a church and as a family we always pray and ask God to give us a word for the year. I only ask one time in a prayer and then I just go about life and keep an ear open for Him to speak. I kept hearing the word REMAIN over and over again. I felt like that was such a boring word to have that would shape my year but now that we are in July I just can’t help but laugh!

This is what I wrote in a caption on IG right at the tail end of January, “This year, God is telling me to REMAIN. That right where I am is right where I need to be. To remain takes patience and deliberate connection to continue growing where God has placed you.” Throughout these last 7 months I can honestly say this word has been ringing loud in my ears. I needed to dive in deeper and have God begun to unfold this word to me. And what I love about the way God answers, it ain’t always as spiritual and deep as we think it needs to be.

RE• MAIN: [continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist. stay in the place that one has been occupying continue to possess a particular quality or fulfill a particular role.]

This word has taken on so many meanings for me, the one I think we can all laugh at being the most literal is REMAIN AT HOME (stay in the place that one has ben occupying)! Months in quarantine… I mean at this point I think God was prepping me for it. It’s been hard at times to stay connected to Him and continue my spiritual growth while watching multiple online church services and attempting to complete all the devotionals on the bible app. (attempting… I’ve got more saved than completed at this point).

Another truth I’ve gotten from my word is, REMAIN YOURSELF (posses a particular quality). Through everything happening in our world and country all at once it’s so easy to be pressured to become someone you’re not and it’s easy to lose who you really are. I’ve caught myself feeling social media peer pressure and each time I do I take a little step back from the gram and check myself. Was I more connected to those I follow on social media than I was to God?

Something else I’ve gotten from the word REMAIN is the motivation to continue this blog (fulfill a particular role). Each year our blog renews in June and I always have a conversation/check in with Fabian on if continuing the blog would be a good choice for our family. This year I felt a bit conflicted. With everything happening in the world, blogging and “influencing” on social media felt less and less fun and became more about politics and social injustice (which… YAY) but also, opening up your instagram app became very heavy at times and the space in which I shared our families life just seemed so unnecessary.


After praying about it, (yes… I pray about this blog) the word REMAIN came back to me (continue to exist) and I hit the ‘renew’ button on our website. I am not going to promise consistency or even promise specific content but I will continue to remain myself and the goal of this blog will remain the same! It will be a place of faith and family. Where we share our real and raw family, motherhood, and marriage moments. Our desire is to inspire and make you feel a part of our familia! I am so grateful that you’re here and hope that you keep coming back, better yet… REMAIN.
